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Mokushiroku Arisu - Volume 01 Page 4

She turns around and asks, "What about classes?"


  "Eehh, maybe I should skip too?"

  "Do as you like. But, don't come near me."

  "Ah-ha, even though you are just a lonesome kid~"


  Feeling gloomy, I no longer reply.

  She was probably making friends. Calling out to potentially strong talents, and then in times of danger in the labyrinth, she would be able to get their help, I suppose.

  Though I have no idea why she would think that I was strong ——— maybe she knows my true identity to a certain extent. While a little investigation wouldn't reveal much about me, if she actually belongs to some intelligence institution overseas, and I had clashed with the said organization, then the possibility of her knowing who I am was not zero.

  I turn around for a moment.

  And narrow my eyes at Kiryuu Kiri's back.

  Then I begin to consider the possibility that she's an agent of another organization. It is possible.

  Because, even when compared to the other labyrinths in the world, there is an abnormally special 《Eternal Labyrinth》 under the influence of this 《Metropolitan Kichijouji High》, which was surely mining special types of magic technology from it.

  I shift my gaze. To the wall opposite the classroom along the corridor.

  Beyond the wall is the back of the school.

  Behind this school lay a 50 km radius 《Eternal Labyrinth》.

  Each 《Eternal Labyrinth》 has its own code-name as well as a ranking to differentiate one from another.

  The harder it is to return alive from a raid, the higher the ranking, and it ranges from 0 ~ 666.

  ——— Angel 121

  ——— Flames 65

  ——— Flash-node 10

  ——— Water-Death 7

  And so on and so forth.

  At present, humans are able to clear a rank 12 labyrinth with no casualties. Beyond that rank, deaths would definitely occur. Or the raiders might have to retreat before getting their hands on any kind of technology.

  However, the higher the rank of a labyrinth, the higher the level of magic technology that slept in it, and anyone would want to raid a high level labyrinth and bring back its technology.

  And behind this 《Metropolitan Kichijouji High》, ten years ago, the hardest labyrinth in the world appeared and lay there.

  The labyrinth was coveted by military-affiliated personnel around the world ——— but, it was at an overwhelming, ultimate level of difficulty where no one had brought back anything.

  By the way, the name of the girl who came down with the 《Labyrinth Disease》 and became the 《Eternal Labyrinth》 of this Kichijouji, was ———

  Arisu Saki.

  The code-name of the labyrinth is Apocalypse.

  Its rank is 666.

  《Apocalypse 666》 ——— is its official name but, in truth, this isn't what it's called.

  The name of the girl who came down with the disease was Arisu. And, the raiders who returned were as good as none. From these two points, to parody the world where one would easily be lost and find it hard to return from in the famous story of 『Alice in Wonderland』, at some point in time, the labyrinth was dubbed:

  《Apocalypse Alice》 ———

  In other words, my little sister is managed by this 《Metropolitan Kichijouji High》 for its own interests.


  I further narrow my half-opened eyes, but say nothing.

  And at the same time, the bell rings.

  The break is over.

  Biih Biih Biih, a siren-like sound rings throughout the school.

  "What a strange bell," I mutter. To which Kiri, who is a short distance away, speaks. Her expression is, for some reason, tense.

  "Shinnosuke-kun, did you properly read the handbook? This isn't the bell."


  "This is the sound to signal the appearance of a diseased girl."


  My eyes widen slightly as I look at Kiri.

  The siren continues.

  "This is an announcement to the students of the Girl Killing Curriculum. Please return to the classroom ASAP. A labyrinth diseased patient has appeared in Kanagawa Prefecture. We'll begin the lesson in killing the girl."

  Kiri starts running.

  "Let's postpone the skipping of classes. I'm going back to the classroom. And, also, please really look out for me over there. Let's work hard together to kill the girl."

  As Kiri is about to pass me by, she stretches out her hand to hi-five me.

  ——— Let's work hard together to kill the girl.

  I don't return her hi-five.

  "Haha, as expected, your personality is really bad."

  I don't want to hear that from someone who talks about killing girls, I thought but didn't say.

  I too turn around and head back to my classroom. Just at about the same time, Honjou-sensei is about to enter the classroom, with a thick stack of documents in her hands.

  They are probably documents on the diseased girl in Kanagawa Prefecture.

  The profile of the girl.

  Her interests and hobbies.

  About the labyrinth brought forth by the girl.

  The results of the investigation by the researchers and scouting corps are all there.

  I ask, "Sensei...... what's the name and age of the girl?"

  It'll be a bummer if the diseased girl is the same age as my little sister, I think.

  Sensei answers, "That kind of thing doesn't matter! Anyhow, you have to kill the girl. We only have six hours so hurry back into the classroom!"

  Dohn, she knocks on the door to the classroom.

  "Now, quickly kill the girl and save the world!"

  I enter the classroom.

  Kill the girl and save the world.

  I look at her with half-opened eyes,

  "Hahh...... this world is really disgusting."

  In a low voice, I mutter as I smirk.

  * * *

  Chapter 2 - The Lesson in Killing the Girl

  The lesson from which we will be learning about the girl has finally started.

  No one in the classroom is reeling with joy.


  Once we invade the labyrinth, we will be facing the danger of dying.

  Furthermore, if we fail to kill the diseased girl, be it wherever it is, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people around the girl with her as the radial point, will die.

  Thus, there are two things that are of utmost importance.

  The level of difficulty in clearing the labyrinth.

  The number of people in the area of the labyrinth.

  I turn to the first page of the document where 《Target Girl's Profile》 is written on the cover page. This is what it says.

  Her name is Asahi Momoka.

  Fourteen years old.

  Third year in Miyasaka Middle School.

  Family members --- father, mother, little sister.

  Quite popular in school.

  No boyfriend.

  Location of disease onset --- at this moment, my expression stiffens a little for the first time. I feel a slight shiver of fear along my back.

  Location of disease onset ---

  『Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Ward』

  A tight smile surfaces on my face and I say.

  "...... haha, don't screw with me. Right out of the gate, you're telling me that the disease onset happened right in the middle of a city with three million people?"

  In other words, if we fail, at least tens of thousands of people will vanish. If the effective radius is large, at most more than three million people could die.

  Dohn, Honjou-sensei taps on the blackboard.

  "Who said you can start reading the documents!? Arisu Shinnosuke! Stop right now!"

  I look up and shrug my shoulders. I can tell that even Sensei is nervous.

  The other students indeed
have yet to start flipping the pages of the documents. Seems like there are several rules governing the progress of the lesson.

  After ascertaining that I have stopped reading, Sensei continues.

  "First, as always, I'll give an overview of the overall situation.

  The discovery of the girl having an onset of the labyrinth disease took place three hours ago.

  After the scouting corps had sent out their men, it was just two hours ago by the time they found out that the labyrinth brought forth by the girl is an age-limited labyrinth.

  Aah wait, we have a transfer student. Shinnosuke, do you understand the meaning of age-limited labyrinths?"

  Of course, there is no way I would not know that.

  An age-limited labyrinth is one with a rule that only allows people who are below a certain age to enter. That is why an organization like 《Metropolitan Kichijouji High》 where kids are gathered to risk their lives exists.

  I acknowledge with my hand to show that I do not not need any explanation on that, and Sensei continues.

  "Then, I shall continue.

  The task of exterminating the girl, is assigned to us, 《Metropolitan Kichijouji High》, who are unsurpassed in clearing age-limited labyrinths in Japan, and the collation of information specially for our use started exactly thirty minutes ago.

  And, the time limit left before the diseased girl turns into an 《Eternal Labyrinth》 is six hours.

  In other words, we'll learn about the labyrinth brought forth by the girl in the first five hours, and efficiently kill the girl in the remaining hour, which is what we always do. Is everyone following so far?"

  Gunjou then raises her hand.

  Sensei then asks.

  "What is it? Mizuiro Gunjou."

  Gunjou replies.

  "I think this is a waste of time. The explanation is already sufficient, isn't it? A genius like me will be participating. Therefore, we'll definitely succeed in killing the girl anyway."

  "Ah-ha, as usual, you're brimming with confidence. Well, you did earn the place of the best labyrinth raider twice though. But, this time round, we have a transfer student ---"

  Gunjou shoots a glare in my direction. When I meet her gaze, she turns away. Is she a kid?

  "I don't think that piece of newly transferred trash will be of much use!"

  "Ah-hahaha. What's with that? Did something happen between the two of you?"

  "Nothing happened!"

  "You'll die if you don't get along, you know ~? If you relax for even an instant......"

  "A genius like me would never let my guard down!"

  Sensei looks at Gunjou and nods.

  "Well, we don't have much time and I'm not going to waste time mediating a fight between kids. At any rate, the time limit is six hours. Let's continue with our class. Well, turn to the first page of your documents. I'll say this first. The level of difficulty of this labyrinth isn't high --- according to the investigation, it's about rank 0.4. So if you keep up with what you guys have been doing, you should be able to clear it easily. As long as you don't let your guard down and be full of yourself like that idiot Gunjou, it'll be a walk in the park."

  "Hey, Sensei! Who are you calling idiot Gunjou!"

  Gunjou raises her voice again, but Sensei ignores her and continues.

  "Understand? Please keep that in mind. Now turn to the first page."

  In order to quell the students' fear at the fact that the location of the disease onset is right in the middle of a city with three million people, Sensei is assertively hard-selling them on the low level of difficulty of the labyrinth.

  By the way, for some reason, the difficulty level of clearing labyrinths has been low in most cases. Thus, if the investigation has been properly done, and the raiders have a map and a grasp of what can be found inside and their respective locations, then it will not be difficult to deal with it.

  As such, the problem with dealing with the diseased girl is a matter of the time limit.

  Because of the time limit problem, there were cases where even easy labyrinths were not cleared in time.

  That being said, when investigation was not properly conducted and the raiding took place right away, things such as taking the wrong route, or getting hindered by monsters that were spawned for the purpose of protecting the diseased girl, all led to the loss of time.

  The problem has to be the time limit.

  And running out of time resulting in failure to clear a labyrinth is inexcusable.

  As the impact of such a failure is completely different from the failure of bringing back new magic technology from raiding 《Eternal Labyrinths》.

  Things such as all the raiders dying and unable to thus clear a labyrinth, or when the raiders escaping because they cannot clear it in time due to the hindrances, are not allowed.

  If they fail, the people in that area, which can number from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, will all die.

  This is no laughing matter.

  That is why the sequence of 'labyrinth investigation → education → infiltration + raiding' is treated with importance.

  Even if only one hour is left for the raid, if the raiders have a good grasp of the information concerning the labyrinth before raiding it, then the success rate of clearing it will be much higher --- thus, the given sequence is a result of the experience accumulated by various countries after killing countless diseased girls in the past.

  By the way, if a diseased girl turns completely into an 《Eternal Labyrinth》, then the difficulty of raiding it will be upped by at least ten times.

  In other words, if the target girl this time were not killed, she would probably become an 《Eternal Labyrinth》 with rank 4.

  But well, that does not matter.

  Right now, we are in the middle of the lesson from we will learn how to kill the girl, for the sake of saving the lives of three million people.

  As expected, a buzz began in the classroom the instant the documents were turned.

  "Yo-Yokohama......? Seriously?"

  "I-If we fail in this......"

  Started the students among themselves, but at that moment, Gunjou stands up, and snaps the fingers on her right hand twice.

  "All right everyone. Don't get swayed by just this, will you? It's only rank 0.4 right? You guys know that I have raided a rank 10 《Eternal Labyrinth》 and brought back its magic technology right? This is below a tenth of that. We can clear it before we've even finished breathing. If you all would follow me, no one will die, so rest assured."

  With that, the classroom goes quiet.

  It seems like Gunjou is really well-trusted by the class. Only someone like Hishiro Shiro is unhappy with her.

  Well, if what Gunjou said was true, that she had succeeded in raiding an 《Eternal Labyrinth》 of rank 10, then she is a pretty high level magician even by world standards. Clearing a rank 0.4 labyrinth will be a walk in the park.

  As if to flaunt about her charismatic personality, Gunjou looks at me, grins and says.

  "...... now, rest easy and let's continue with the lesson. This time too, under my leadership, this class shall kill the girl!"

  She sits down in her chair triumphantly.

  With that, once again, our lesson resumes.

  『First Hour ---

  Please learn about the profile of the girl』

  The lesson was a simple one.

  We learned about the identity of that fourteen year old girl.

  Who her first love was.

  The friends she hung out with, teased around with.

  She knew that the world became what it is today as a result of strife and that she should not be living with a carefree attitude.

  But in the end, whatever she did, she was able to live a quiet, daily life in this peaceful country called Japan.

  Provided of course, that she never got tangled up with the 《Labyrinth Disease》. However.

  No one knew the reason behind how she contracted the 《Labyrinth Disease》. While the
re is a research paper saying that there are many children who let a darkness from another world seep into their hearts, nobody knows how true that is.

  At the very least, Saki --- my little sister, did not appear to have any kind of darkness in her heart. She was always smiling happily everyday, having fun and fooling around, always tagging along with me.

  But still, she got tangled up with the 《Labyrinth Disease》.

  Of course, the rest of the surviving family was troubled. Parents, siblings thought about it. Was there something inside her that they did not notice? If they had noticed it, maybe she would not have come down with the disease perhaps? And blamed themselves for it.

  The target girl this time, 『Asahi Momoka』, loved school.

  She was a popular person in school.

  She loved soft toys and had a collection of them.

  Thus, the labyrinth she created has a form that resembled a 『School』.

  A gigantic closed down school with multiple levels.

  The number of levels above ground and the number of levels below ground are still undergoing investigation.

  But, it appears to look like a school.

  As expected, a great number of soft toys are patrolling the school; those soft toys appear to be diseased, and would probably attack any infiltrators they find in order to protect their mistress.

  There are also a lot of other data about the girl. Like the mother got her license suspended due to speeding at a certain age, or the father's nickname in his workplace, and so forth, data like these that do not matter have been made public to us.

  However, she was apparently more or less brought up in a happy environment.

  And thus, while my classmates are reading through the documents that contain all these private information as if she had lost all privacy rights, the first hour passes by quickly.


  We got a ten minute break.

  Some went to the toilet.

  Some are revising the material they studied in the first hour.

  Some are talking among their friends.
