Mokushiroku Arisu - Volume 01 Read online

Page 5

  But everyone shares a thing in common, which is, all of them are ignoring me.

  Probably on Mizuiro Gunjou's order.

  Gunjou shoots a glance at me. "Now you know? You know huh? How is it how is it?" is written all over her face. "It's about time to start listening to me and prostrate to me." Her expression is really easy to read.

  That easy-to-read face is a little adorable.

  I smirk with half-opened eyes, and Gunjou puffs out her cheeks, glaring at me. She seems to be getting increasingly angry. Really just a kid.

  Well, that does not matter anyway.

  I sigh out, then rest my chin in my hand as I stare vacantly out the window.

  And then, a voice calls out from behind.

  "Hey, the kid who's being bullied."

  The voice of Hishiro Shiro.

  I did not turn around.

  "Don't ignore me."

  Gahn, my desk got kicked. My chin-resting-in-hand form breaks.

  "Oh my."

  I turn around and look at Shiro with half-opened eyes.

  His cold, sharp, red eyes are looking down at me.

  "Isn't it horrible to kick the desk of the bullied kid? You might get suspended from school, you know?"

  Shiro takes up the seat beside me on his own, and looks away. Looking at the blackboard, he tilts his chair.

  "What the hell do you want?"

  I ask, to which Shiro says.

  "What're you going to do?"

  "Like I said, about what?"

  "Once you enter the labyrinth, you won't be able to survive on your own, you know? Those who have no friends die."

  "Oh, I see. So?"

  "Since you have no friends, you will just die like that."

  "Eh? You're kidding me? I thought I'm friends with everyone in the class though ~"

  "Shut up, moron."

  "Ah-haha, ha."

  I laugh.

  After glaring at me with his sharp, red eyes, Shiro holds out his hand in slight embarrassment and says.

  "I'll protect you, so join me."

  I look down at that hand and say.

  "Is that a request from a friend? Oh my, I'm a little embarrassed when you are being so straight at it."

  "Like I said, shut up. There's no time for jokes. There are only four hours before we invade the labyrinth."

  "Yeah, that's right."

  "Right now, my team has three people. If you join, we'll have four people, and we'll be able to kill the diseased girl before Gunjou."

  "Ah ~, I see. You're losing because you don't have enough people? So, even when the fate of the world hinges on it, you guys are competing for some foolish pride?"

  However, Shiro did not bite on my provocation.

  "No. It's because we'll probably get a bonus payout for killing the diseased girl. With that, we'll be able to get better equipment, and get our hands on more magic technology as well. The strong get stronger, the weak ones die. Thus, there's a need to win."

  It is as he said.

  In this peaceful Japan, this place, a school that battles with the 《Labyrinth Disease》, is a stark contrast.

  I look at Shiro with half-opened eyes and ask.

  "But why are you trying to become strong?"


  "You can go on with life even if you don't become strong right? See, look at the schoolyard. Look at the ordinary guys and girls who're experiencing things like romance and fun times in their P.E lessons. And yet, what is it that you seek beyond power? Why did you enroll into this school? Into this, school where you might just die."

  Normally, one would not enroll into such a school.

  Most of the people who enter such schools generally fall into a few categories.

  As a form of debt repayment.

  Since their parents happen to part of the JDSF or military-affiliated personnel, they just happen to enroll.

  A desire for power no matter what.

  A desire for money no matter what.

  Wanting to save the world no matter what.

  Basically these.

  And, those who will survive to become stars, usually belong to the last, 'Wanting to save the world' category.

  When they have such an aberrant goal, they will be able to find an exceptionally strong willpower that is not normally found in others. Thus, usually, the ones who have ambitions which others make fun of, are the ones who will become strong.

  What Honjou-sensei said during the interview was the truth. People with impure motives are, after all, weak in their wills and thus unable to survive.

  I wonder which is the case with Shiro.

  "Do you want to save the world that much?"

  I ask, to which Shiro's eyes narrow.

  "How about you?"

  "Why should I babble about myself to a stranger like you?"

  "Huh? Then, there's also no need for me to tell......"

  Cutting him off, I say.

  "You want me to become your friend right? And you want to beat Gunjou. Then, you should just start with revealing about yourself for now."


  Shiro throws me a sharp glare.

  "...... all right, very well. But you are going to join me after listening to me, get it?"

  I smirk.

  Then, Shiro gazes at me in melancholy and begins.

  "My big brother went to this school. To repay my parents' debts."

  One of the common reasons.

  "My big brother died, and the debts were absolved. Our family was thus freed. But I heard that big brother was being used in some kind of experiment."


  "I made an inquiry to 《Metropolitan Kichijouji High》 to find out what it was about, but they never came back to me. They didn't even return his body to us. Well, if he had died in a labyrinth and if his body was lost as result, then it couldn't be helped. But, there were many suspicious points. Thus, I started my own investigation."

  "...... hmm. In other words, it's for revenge?"

  I ask, and Shiro looks back at me.

  "Who knows? Well, let's just start with that. Without power, I can't protect anyone."

  I agree with that. And then, a small thought comes to me. I wonder whether what Shiro had experienced and is seeking for could be the same as mine. The part where we both had a family member who was at the mercy of the 《Labyrinth Disease》.

  That is of course provided that everything Shiro had said was true, but.

  Shiro says.

  "Well, is this enough? Now you can join me."

  "I don't want to."


  I then say with a grin.

  "I find those who are talkative annoying, and I don't like it."

  Shiro raises his hands. Speedily. And grabs my collar.

  "Damn you, if you take me too lightly, I'll kill you."

  I got dragged down, off from my chair. The other students in the classroom turn to look at us. If this were a normal school, it would have completely been a scene in which bullying was taking place.

  But, with a stupid grin on my face, I look up at Shiro.

  "...... oh myyy, Shiro, you're really violent. Frankly, I'm really scared and don't want to be friends with you."

  "Aren't you the one at fault here, f*ck? You were the one who asked me to talk, so what's the deal with changing the agreement?"

  But, I cock my head to the side and say.

  "Agreements aside, weren't you the one who didn't keep your end of the bargain? Your story is a lie, right?"


  "I wonder whether that big brother of yours really existed."

  "Of course......"

  "It's a lie. You have no big brother. Assuming you really do have a big brother. Assuming you really did come to this school for revenge. Then, a person like you who goes about shooting his mouth off about that probably has an empty skull but...... I just don't see how you can be such an idiot. Therefore, there's only one conclusion. You were lying."

t that moment, I raise my right hand. And swiftly jam my fingers straight towards Shiro's eyes, with enough force to pierce through them.

  Shiro reacts right away.

  Releasing my collar, he draws himself back.

  "WTF are you trying to do?"

  I smirk.

  "I wonder what's the truth behind those red eyes. At the very least, a normal human wouldn't have such red eyes, right? In other words, the person whom you said was experimented on, the one you called your big brother...... don't tell me it's actually you? Shiro."


  "If your lie is too big, you won't be able to deceive me, so you made some subtle allowances and inserted some truth inside, I supposed, but well now, which is which, I wonder. Your desire for revenge is true. The part on experimentation too. But you have no big brother. Even though you have a desire for revenge, it's not towards this school --- that would be my conjecture."


  "But, if so, why did you come to this school? Because you desire power? No, that's not the only thing. It would be too inefficient otherwise. Then, if that's the case, an affiliated company of the school, the company that practices human experimentation like nothing would be ---"

  Taikou Pharmaceuticals --- I was just about to say the name of the corporation that my cousin, Yayoi, is working at, but Shiro snapped his fingers, and I thus kept quiet.

  Shiro is activating his 《Headphone Fuzz》. Like a different person from before, he is now filled with murderous intent.

  A sword that looks like a huge knife appears in Shiro's hand. It is a knife so large that it would be unthinkable for a normal human to handle it. It is a thing born out of magic.

  The depths of his red eyes are giving rise to something akin to abhorrence and, they are glaring right at me.

  "...... you are pretty talkative yourself huh, hey."

  Said Shiro in a rational, cold voice. Seems like this is the real him. Despite the fact that he is an emotion-type who wears his headphone in his left ear.

  I too snap my fingers thrice and point at Shiro.

  "You'd kill off anyone who's talkative? Fine. Let's do it. But I'm probably the stronger one."

  "Hah, if you are really that strong, I would want you to join me, but a pity that I really hate talkative guys."

  "You just repeated my words earlier."

  "A dead person's words are voided."

  "No, those words should be used in a different situation......"

  "Shut up, disappear. Penitence Severance switch."

  A cursed song is being let loose in Shiro's brain matter.

  His magic has been activated.

  He raises his knife.

  While I do not know from which labyrinth the technology used for creating that weaponized magic originated, it seems like a dangerous power.

  Should I dodge it? Or should I attack before he does?

  I must make my choice in an instant.

  Should I dodge it with my Acceleration switch, or should I activate my attack magic?

  My finger dances, tracing a trail of light in the air. I then select the cursed song used for activating the magic in my 《Headphone Fuzz》.

  And, in the moment when I have made my selection, Shiro raises his knife --- but,

  "...... kidding. From your reaction speed alone, I could tell that you are pretty skilled."

  His knife that was born out of magic disappeared.

  I look at Shiro with half-opened eyes, and say.

  "...... were you testing me?"

  "Yeah. I now know that you have some ability."

  "If we went at it for real, you'd just be put to shame though."

  "I wonder. We won't know until we fight it out."

  "No, I can tell."

  "Is that so? Then, lend me that power of yours in the labyrinth."

  Once again, Shiro holds his hand out to me.

  And says.

  "I won't do anything bad to you. Our interests should be aligned. So, join me."

  I look down at that hand with half-opened eyes. This school is really strange. Kiryuu Kiri also did the same though, is it fashionable to hold out one's hand, I wonder. You guys are not even Americans who are so fond of their handshakes.

  I say.

  "But, you never told me what I wanted to hear."

  "You want me to tell you about my background? Ah ~, I see. Just as you said. I'm here for revenge."

  "Smells like a lie."

  "It's true, I'm telling you. I need power to carry out my revenge. But I can't tell you who I want to take revenge on, and I won't want to tell you either. If I'm a loose-lipped idiot, then you won't want to follow me right?"


  But, Shiro is mistaken. Whether one were loose-lipped or not, I have no intention of following anyone. I have no intention of trusting anyone else.

  The only things I believe in, are myself, and money.

  I hold out my hand. Clasp Shiro's hand, smile and say.

  "All right. I know that you have to get me on your side and win against Mizuiro Gunjou. That's why I shall become your friend."

  "Heh, you are unexpectedly a great guy......"

  But, I cut him off and say.

  "But can you pay me? My friendship can be bought with money."

  "Huuh? Are you saying that for real......"

  The moment he said that, Piih, the siren-sounding bell started ringing again.

  It is signaling the start of the second hour.

  Shiro looks up at the bell, then glowers at me and says.

  "...... you are a real piece of trash."

  I smirk.

  "I'm often told that. So, what's it going to be? Are you going to buy me with money? If you reject my proposal, then I'm going to go negotiate with Gunjou. She looks like she's rich, and will surely buy me. And if that happens, you will lose. Oh my oh my, your desire for revenge looks questionable to me, huh? Well, let me just quote you my price. For each labyrinth raid, my friendship charge will be six million, how's that?"


  "No good? Too high? Why, so you're just a broke guy. I have no business with broke guys. Well then, the deal's over, goodbye ~"

  As I am about to let go of Shiro's hand, he returns with a stronger grip, and says.

  "...... I'll pay, just once for now."

  Seems like he can afford it.

  No, I know that he can afford it. At the very least, the people who are risking their lives actively at this school, should be able to afford this much.

  After all, they are getting paid by the school with this kind of money, and besides, the maintenance of 《Headphone Fuzz》 requires lots of money. The more one is active, the more money one gets, in mind-numbing amounts; however, in order to use magic, insane amounts of money must be paid out. Thus, it is more like magic is dependent on money as a raw material, and can only be employed through expending money.

  It is thus as such, I need a limitless amount of money more than anyone else.

  Partly for the sake of maintaining several of the powerful 《Headphone Fuzz》 that I have in my possession, partly for the sake of acquiring new magic technology, though, that is all just part of the process.

  There is only one reason why I need money.

  I need money for privately developing the devices needed to invade the most difficult eternal labyrinth --- 《Apocalypse Alice》.

  Right now, I have employed the help of a certain researcher for such development, and every month, I have to pay out hundreds of millions of yen. Thus, I am always short of money. It never is enough.

  At any rate, I need money.

  I need fame.

  I need power.

  I do not need anything else, nor do I believe in anything else.

  Buddies, friendship, a purpose in life, romance, love, youth, I have no time to believe in such stupid things.

  The only things I need to believe in, are myself and money.

  To save my little sister Saki who will not be saved
by anyone else in this world --- to protect what is important to me, no matter how much power I have in this world, it will thus never be enough.

  Therefore, I need money.

  I need magic.

  I need money.

  I need magic.

  I need money for using magic.

  I smile frivolously, and say.

  "Yaah, if you can pay me, then we will be friends. I have a principle of never betraying my friends."

  Shiro brushes away my hand and says.

  "I can't really trust you."

  "For real? Well, I'm not interested about getting you to trust me, as long as you pay me."


  "Ah-haha, like I said, I have often been called that."

  Shiro glares at me with his red eyes. But I am already used to getting such glares.

  Shiro says.

  "Fine. I'll pay. You will be under my command. Follow my orders."

  "Oh my, aren't we supposed to be friends?"

  "Shut up trash."

  Shiro turns around and returns to his desk. At the same time, Honjou-sensei enters the classroom.

  "All right, we're starting the second-hour period! We don't have much time, so sit down! Now!"

  And with that, the second hour starts.

  『Second Hour ---

  Lesson on memorizing the structure of the labyrinth made by the girl』

  The lesson in the second hour, is to focus on memorizing the map that was made from analyzing the scans done from the outside, by the researchers of Taikou Pharmaceuticals, on the labyrinth made by the girl.

  According to the intel, the labyrinth takes the form of a school.

  It is made up of rooms like classrooms, teachers' office, infirmary, home-econs room, etc. etc.

  But, it is a large place with twelve levels above and fifteen levels below. On top of that, all the corridors are complex, like a maze. Thus, it is necessary to completely grasp the architecture from the map before our intrusion. Otherwise, getting lost and slowed down as such will prevent the labyrinth from getting cleared before the time limit is up.

  If the time is used up, then there is the possibility of three million people losing their lives this time, thus, failure is not allowed.

  It is therefore necessary to go straight to where the girl is and kill her without getting lost along the way.

  The girl is on the eighth level underground.